My Top 5 News Info


When it comes to news sources today, we have a variety of options to choose from. Whether it is on an app, on TV, or the traditional newspapers, news information is accessible everywhere. While we do have so my choices to receive our news, each of us may have a preference on what we may deem as credible or not or closely related to our beliefs or not. In this blog, I will be sharing my top 5 news sources and explaining why each of them is my top choice.

1. Instagram

In this day and age, social media tools like Instagram have gained so much popularity not only because it is a great place for people to share their personal photos with the world, but because it is a place where news quickly spreads to many viewers/followers every day. A lot of people in the younger generation, especially Gen Z, are so used to opening the Instagram app to receive trending news stories. Instagram is in my top 5 is because I grew up with Instagram. Ever since I first downloaded the app in the 5th grade, I used the app to connect with my friends and got to witness how much the app has been modified and improved. When there is breaking news or a story that is just developing, I hear it first on Instagram than I do from the news. Those who share the news stories use a huge, short, and bold caption to hook the viewers in as well as an eye-grabbing photo. No matter the subject, from Kim Kardashian's family life to political debate highlights, I will receive the news within seconds just by scrolling through my feed. I would recommend Instagram as a source because of how simple it is to catch up on all of the latest news just for opening the app anywhere and anytime, also with concerns of fake news, Instagram has updated their app where any post that may be misleading will be warned to the viewer. 

2. CNN

      Cable News Network, or how we all recognize it, CNN is one of the most well-known news organizations on TV. Throughout the years, CNN has provided 24 hours of news coverage so that no matter the time of day or what time you work, CNN will keep you posted. Depending on the topics, it is no surprise that CNN is a network that sides more with the democrats /liberals, hence why I closely relate to most of the discussions that are being reported. This news source is my second top because not only do I watch CNN the most out of all the news channels there is, but my values and beliefs correlate to the channel itself. If anyone is Liberal or have similar beliefs like the Democratic Party, I highly suggest tuning into CNN to get the latest coverage on breaking news, politics, and much more. 

3. CBS

In the Tristate area, CBS News New York is where we get the lasted news close to where we live, from crimes, weather, sports, updates on the Coronavirus pandemic, or what may be happening in the United States. Growing Up in Bayonne, New Jersey, we are very close the New York City, so CBS is one of the best channels for letting us know what is happening currently or what to expect. CBS News New York is third on my list because anytime I go back home from college, I know what has been happening and am not completely out of the loop. If you are around the Tristate area and want to know more about what is happening near you, CBS New York is definitely a source to receive current local news.                   

4. Twitter        

Twitter is another popular social media app where anyone can go on there, share any type of comment or media, and people around the world can see it or choose to re-share it themselves. Like Instagram, Twitter is a place where news travels quickly. I personally use Twitter to get the latest gossip on celebrities more often than I go on there for actual news. Even when I see something completely outrageous on other platforms, I quickly check Twitter to either confirm the news or if it's a hoax. Personally, I like using Twitter for fun and re-sharing what I see on my social platforms especially if tweets are funny. I would recommend Twitter for people who like to see funny and unique tweets as well as those who want to share their thoughts on certain issues. Whatever the case may be, Twitter is a fast place to see a lot of content. 

5. YouTube

Last up on my top 5 news info is YouTube. Since 2005, YouTube basically changed the social game where with just a camera, anyone can speak their minds or create unique content for their relative audiences and share it for all to see. Every day I use YouTube and watch tons of different videos that interest me from informational videos to funny lets plays. Whenever I scroll to find videos, I would see that different news channels have uploaded information in regards to the Coronavirus or news that deals with politics. Here and there, I would click on them since the videos are short and I become informed quickly. I do favor YouTube because there is so much content to choose from and the videos that you watch the most, YouTube helps you by filtering the feed that you like. I would recommend YouTube to everyone who enjoys watching clips and would rather watch their personal favorite creators instead of watching biased news channels. 


News is everywhere. No matter the place or what device you use, news is accessible to anyone who wants to be well informed. Social media has helped us a lot with giving us a variety of options to choose our sources, and no matter who you are or what you believe in, the news will continue to give us information and that will never change. 


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