Antiwar Being Silenced?


What's interesting about the media today is that we get to see all types of messages, videos, opinions, etc. Of course, there is the rise of false info about certain subjects, but overall we have access to the media no matter if it is true or not. Mainstream news covers all sorts of topics, especially when those topics deal with war. I am sure we see news about Afghanistan, Iraq, and potential wars that America may be involved with, but what about the topic of Antiwar? Antiwar is being opposed to the general idea of war or taking an action to start a war, but mainstream news almost never discusses the viewpoints of Antiwar. Why is that? Are strong Antiwar voices being silenced? Today I will take a closer look as to why we don't see or hear these voices and try to find the answers to these questions.

Anti-War Websites

On the Antiwar website, their mission is informing people about the U.S. foreign policies, their involvement, and spreading the word about non-interventionism from all sides of the political spectrum who oppose imperialism as well. Simply scrolling through their website, I see their viewpoints and updated coverage about most countries making moves that connect to war. Today would be the first time seeing this website and I am shocked that most of the topics they mention are hardly mentioned in the news. Vernon Loeb is a local editor for the Washington Post and discusses why antiwar news is not usually covered. Loeb says that they have to make decisions on what qualifies as more newsworthy that would gain coverage. One thing that the website says is one of the reasons why there is little main coverage on antiwar is that mainstream media is generally controlled by big corporations who are focused on their own personal interests rather than those who want social change. Not only does this prove that antiwar voices are purposely being silenced in the media, but it also proves big corporations are getting in the way of spreading the news on all sides simply because they want to control the media.

The Key Takeaway... 

Anti-war voices deserve to have more coverage in the media because what they have to say matters just as much as any news topic out there. Big corporations are pulling the strings on what we "should" know and see, but if there are people out there with different viewpoints who are not being shown, then how would we truly know what is happening in our world? I have my own political beliefs but I also want to learn more about other opinions and understand other different stances on certain subjects. Being kept in a bubble would only do us harm rather than good and it is up to us to take extra steps to find these voices and make sure everyone is being fully heard.


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