EOTO Presentations Review

 EOTO Presentations Review

Each One Teach One (EOTO) in short is to improve your community by expanding learning on specific ideas. For this particular EOTO, we had to do presentations on the history of technologies (inventions) that were given to us. In one of my previous blogs, I did a post on the history of cable television and learned a lot about the idea that came to be and how it changed our world. After seeing my fellow classmates do their presentations on the research they discovered with their choice of technology they wanted to talk about, a few really fascinated me. Here I will be giving my review on what I learned about these devices.


The invention that I learned a lot more about is smartphones. The devices that we use every day, I did not know how smartphones started until I saw this presentation. Smartphones were Invented in 1992 and  were originally called "Simon Personal Communicators." It was not until 1995 that the term "smartphone" would be used. Some of the benefits that we know are that it gave us early access to social media, we can look at our emails and/or bank statements through our devices, and order food from anywhere (especially popular during the Covid-19 pandemic). Some of the negative effects of having a smartphone can cause distractions from schoolwork and causes health problems like addiction. We know that smartphones today is like having a small computer on the go which is very convenient, but issues like being distracted from doing what we need to do are still a concern. A lot of us, especially young kids through adults, are so used to being on our phones so much that it could be hard to go just a couple of hours without it. Listening to my fellow classmate talk about the benefits and the negative effects of smartphones really put things into perspective like changing my habits so that I won't be as addicted to my phone as I am now. 


EOTO is a great way for us to learn so much more about these types of topics because not only do we get to appreciate these ideas but better ourselves in the long run. Learning about smartphones as well as all of the other technologies today showed me that these inventions might seem so simple now, but had impacted our world in their own respective way. Taking the time to learn about the history of these technologies proves that we as a society have come a really long way, but we are far from stopping creative inventions and innovating the modern world.


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