Total Information Awareness


What is Total Information Awareness?

When it comes to the United States government, it is safe to say that we citizens do not know a whole lot of their programs, intentions, or really what they are doing without our knowledge. Every day we learn or uncover truths about our government that we wouldn't have thought or expected before. Before reading this, let me ask a couple of questions: do you know what Total Information Awareness is? Do you have any idea what the program is about or what does it do? You might say no or have no clue what I am talking about and at first, I did not know about this either. Today I will walk you through what Total Information Awareness is, its purpose, how it affects us all, and if this program is a good thing in general to have or if it is a bad thing. 

What does it mean?

In November of 2002, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, otherwise known as DARPA, was coming up with a tracking system to identify terrorists by analyzing an abundance of information which is called Total Information Awareness (TIA). Now renamed as Terrorsm Information Awareness, the directer of the system, John Poindexter wanted law enforcement to have access to private information without a warrant or speculation of misconduct. The main purpose of this program came from Poindexter himself who wants to tackle the issue of terrorism, ultimately prevent attacks, and to "preserve our national security". TIA claim to take the information signature of people to keep tabs of possible terrorists and criminals in "low-intensity" crimes. It was not just finding out about potential terrorists and stopping them as one motive, but the Information Awareness Office (IAO) tried to use this systems for other purposes. IAO tried to create huge databases to collect personal info on people in the United States which were personal emails, phone calls, social networks, credit card info, medical records, and more. Funding for the system also added biometric surveillance technologies to identify and track individuals using cameras. In 2003, Congress defunded IAO after the public criticized the technology and were worried that it would create a mass surveillance system. It is understand that the United States believes that this program is beneficial to make sure we are safe from terrorism or potential threats to us, but this program under-values our privacy. Taking our personal info, keeping of people who may or may not be terrorists, and putting us under surveillance without our knowledge does not make us feel safe. It makes feel like no matter we we do someone is watching us.

How Does it Affect Us?

Although Congress has defunded TIA in 2003, it was revealed by Edward Snowden in 2013 that IAO projects continued to be funded and ran under different names. If there are still projects happening that is similar to Total Information Awareness, then the criticisms from public went completely ignored. TIA is not just a system that affects certain people or people who committed crimes. It affects every single one of us. There is no say as to who is a terrorist or who may plan something, so no one is clear from having their information being looked at. Authorities would have to record and hold onto activities of everyone if they want to know who could be a potential suspect as well. There is no doubt that we want our privacy to be private especially in world where everything we do is technology based. Imagine calling your mom or dad just to check in on them. What if authorities suspects you for any reason at all and monitors your conversation without you even knowing? Would you immediately feel safe or would you feel like your space has been invaded? Those who have committed a crime especially for some misdemeanor would have a higher chance of being tracked than someone who has not committed a crime, but as mentioned before, no one is in the clear. 


Total Information Awareness and other similar projects like this is simply putting all of us in a controlled situation that we did not agree to be in. It is great that our government wants to protect us from possible terrorists or trying to stop any plan that may lead to something threatening, but there are obvious harm by doing this. The biggest harm is making us losing our trust in the government by holding our info and tracking us even if we have not done anything. Terrorism is unpredictable. Anyone in the U.S. or outside of the country could come up with ideas to put people in danger. Putting us under a microscope and observing every move we make is not what I want. Even in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) says that it protects everyone from arbitrary or unlawful interferences with their "privacy, family, home, or correspondence." Why have this stated if our privacy is not actually protected? Our privacy is our human right and our government should not pick and choose when we can have that right and when we shouldn't. TIA is just another system for authorities to keep their eyes on us, and everyone needs to know about programs like this because the last thing we need to do is be blind on what is happening with our own government.


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