About Me

 Who Am I?

Hey! My name is Starla Bamba and this is me right below:

Leaving Home for New Beginnings
I grew up in a small town called Bayonne in northern New Jersey, but my parents are originally from West Africa. I was born in the Bronx, New York, but spent the majority of my life in New Jersey. From pre-k to 8th grade, I went to Midtown Community School, then Bayonne High School for four, and I currently attend High Point University in North Carolina. All I know is the New Jersey/New York life and decided to leave the tristate area simply to get experience outside of what I am used to.

Yes, You are. 

During my time at Bayonne High School, I was really interested in leadership roles such as running for student council president, running a club called PEER Leadership, and striving to perfect my grades in all of my classes. I guess you can say I’m a perfectionist. For any task I am faced with, I make sure I put my all into it. My parents and family have instilled this idea that you have to be the best whether in school or in the real world. Sometimes it is hard on me because I feel like if I let my parents down then I'm a failure. Slowly but surely, I am changing that mindset and telling myself, “it's okay, you are enough.” 

A Glimpse of High Point University ;)

 In 2020, I enrolled at High Point University not just because of how beautiful the campus was, but because I was motivated to take the master's program and possibly get into campaign management in Washington D.C. or get into the field of social media marketing. Ever since I was a kid, I always had a passion for politics and learning more about our government. As time progressed, I learned that communication is the key that can really make a positive change, and social media is now a necessity to reach certain audiences. Being able to graduate at 23 years old with a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree was an opportunity that I could not miss. 

What will my Future Hold?

Now I am a Junior preparing for my senior year and getting in the process of applying for the Master’s program. Then plan for the next five years is to be able to work at a job that I love to do, pay well, pay off these loans,  and finally help my family out. My purpose in writing these blogs is to help those who can relate to family issues, college life, being a young adult, etc. I’m just hoping my story can bring people who share these similarities together because connections are just as important!



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