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 The Greatest Lie Ever Told: HPUCR Club Blames Black Student Union for Distasteful Event Written by: Starla Bamba On the evening of Sunday, January 22nd, a High Point University College Republican club posted a movie event titled The Greatest Lie Ever Sold: George Floyd and the Rise of BLM. It was a documentary created by seemingly controversial activist Candace Owens where the film discusses more so how the money donated to the Black Lives Matter movement was used poorly. As you may or may not know, yes, there were some members of the BLM movement who took advantage of the money they were given to them, but let's not divert the entirety of the movement and label it as negative because of a few members. Of course, this event garnered so much attention from many students and created yet another divide between what is right and what is wrong.  The HPUCR club's Instagram account shows how they do not push out a lot of content. This is important because this debuted event came out

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